Rules of Engagement

Welcome to Blogging Townsville.
We established this Blog to provide a forum where residents and friends of Townsville can critique what is happening in our fair city.

Given the nature of this town and the fact that many of us have to do business here, many contributors have to unfortunately stay anonymous.

The rules of play on this Blog are simple:
  • Thou shalt show each other respect. We don’t care if the other commenter is a moron. Thou wilt not call them a moron.
  • You can however criticise a thought or idea. As in “that is a moronic idea”. Criticise the idea, not the person.
  • Don’t write anything that is defamatory or breaks copyright or is threatening. Firstly 'cos it breaks Rule One and Secondly 'cos then the policeman will come to my house. In uniform.
  • No spurious advertising.
  • No spam.
  • No pornography, racist or otherwise discriminating remarks , threats to cause physical or mental harm, offensive language, material that breaks any law or otherwise totally unacceptable posts or links
  • Our word is final. This is not a democracy. If we delete a comment don’t keep coming back to repost - go pollute your own blog, facebook, twitter, Myspace or whatever.